Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To Darnsie

Hi Darnsie, I saw that you are following my blog and read about your jaw problems. But you have no blog that I could see?

I can see why you are following my blog because our cases are quite similar!

I always blow my nose too, and the bad news is that I still do after surgery. My surgeon opened my nasal passages somehow - by removing some bits of bone - and I wondered if that might help but there is definitely no improvement in the nose blowing.

Good luck for your surgery. When is it? Let me know if you do a blog.

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrea!

    I've just been catching up on your blog ... it's been a while and I noticed you had a post for me. I'm not sure why you can't see my blog? That's really strange. The url is http://danyahs.blogspot.com

    Let me know if you still can't see it.
    Our cases are very similar and I was really pleased to come across your blog and find someone else dealing with some of the same issues.

    I have to tell you that I think you look fantastic! Even though the midline thing bothers you (like mine bothers me), the overall outcome is excellent and you're going to look amazing when your braces come off in February!!

    I'm looking forward to hearing about the spring thingy that your Ortho is using for the midline, so keep the posts coming :)

    Happy healing,
